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Shilajit, the Elixir of Life!

Shilajit is a blackish resin like substance that exudes from cracks in high mountain ranges of elevations above 12,000 feet. It is a biomass of organic humic, elements formed by the gradual decomposition of certain plants and geominerals by the action of microorganisms. Shilajit is used in Ayuraveda, an Indian healing system that originated thousands of years ago and has been used as a traditional medicine for a wide variety of conditions. Indian Yogis consider Shilajit as God’s Gift and nectar of longevity and Ancient Scriptures attest to its wonderful powers to tackle most ailments of the body and mind. Shangrila is a mystical utopia said to exist in the Tibetan Kulun Mountains, but Tibetan scriptures mention several isolated communities where the populations live to many advanced years and age very slowly.

Traditionally Shilajit has been found primarily in the Himalays, India and Nepal but it is also found in Russia, Tibet, and Afghanistan. Recently it has been found in the Andes in Chili and also found in a unique one hundred million year old rainforest reserve in North America. Shilajit is composed of humic substances including   fulvic acid which accounts for 60% to 80% of the nutraceutical compound. As it is a small molecule, it, in its purest form, is capable of dilating cell walls to transmit minerals deep into the cells. This enhances cellular energy and effectively prolongs cell life and keeps them vital and healthy for a very long time hence the name the Elixir of Life.

Modern research has shown that Shilajit has a vast range of beneficial effects on our health. For example, let us consider Alzheimer’s disease. Tan proteins are found mostly in the brain and are involved in multiple functions in healthy brain cells. As with all proteins harmful environmental compounds can affect the folding of proteins creating “tangles” causing many problems associated with brain diseases. The buildup of tau tangles causes cell damage and inflammation contributing to Alzheimer’s disease symptoms.  These tangles start in the brain stem where the brain connects to the spinal cord and then spread to the learning center of the brain i.e. the hippocampus leading to memory loss and other symptoms like language problems and decision making. Novel bioactive compounds have been found in Shilajit and studies have shown them to have a neuroprotective effect and inhibit tau self-aggregation.

Pharmaceuticals {Basel} 2023: July 4 Scaling the Andean Shilajit: A novel neuroprotective Agent for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Another study was performed by several researchers in a Randomized Controlled Trial proving an increase in testosterone levels in participants aged 45 to 55 years old. Another similar study concerning sperm mobility and sperm count in infertile males showed significant increase of both mobility and count in those participants given the Shilajit.

Studies concerning chronic fatigue syndrome, iron deficiencies, heart health, bone density in menopausal women, and slowing aging have proven beneficial results from supplementation with Shilajit. Other health benefits include antioxidant properties that improve immunity, action as an anti-inflammatory and energy boosting properties and as a diuretic to remove excess fluid from the body.

Other studies have shown that Shilajit can help reduce pain naturally and also help reduce blood glucose levels showing promise also in repairing damage to the pancreas caused by diabetes. Amazingly Shilajit has been shown to be toxic to various types of cancer such as lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and liver cancer. It has also been shown to have antiviral properties

Shilajit is natural and safe, but one should not consume it raw or unprocessed as it may contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, fungus and other contaminates that may be harmful. Make sure that any product you buy is purified and ready for use. It is recommended that one should purchase from trusted sources. I have been researching products that indicate the naturally occurring nutrients contained in their products and that their extraction methods do not contain any harmful or harsh chemicals. Filtered water extract from a single Shilajit source with guaranteed percentages of nutrients such as humic and fulvic acids, trace minerals, DBP {dibenzo alpha pyrones}, SOD, amino acids, organic carbon, plant enzymes and vitamins. One such product stands out by their strict manufacturing processes and clear information concerning percentages of fulvic acid and other relevant information Leaf Source Shilajit is the product I use personally and can attest to its quality and effectiveness!


Author: LivingSpaces

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